Professional Activities and Service
- I organizied the special session on Machine Learning for Physical Layer Security and Privacy at IEEE ICASSP ’20 (with Rafael Schaefer and Gerhard Wunder)
- I was principal investigator for the DFG-funded project “Machine Learning for Physical Layer Security”
- DFG Coin Workshop, Bitz, Nov. 2013, ‘‘There is Duality in the (LDM) Cellular Channel’’
- ITG Fachgruppe ‘‘Angewandte Informationstheorie’’, Technische Universität München, ‘‘Multiuser GDoF Gains in Cellular Networks: Achievable Rates and Upper Bounds beyond the Interference Channel Regimes’’
- ITG Fachgruppe ‘‘Angewandte Informationstheorie’’, ‘‘Emerging Trends in 5G”, Ruhr Universität Bochum, “Deterministic Models for Physical Layer Security and Key generation Analysis’’
- Conference talks at CNS 2017 (Las Vegas), ISIT 2016 (Barcelona), ISIT 2015 (Hong Kong), ICC 2014 (Sydney)
Working as a reasearch associate, I was involved in teaching the courses:
Courses at the Technische Universität Berlin
- Lecture: Information Theory I
- Resp.: Teaching assistant
- Year: Winter 2012 and Winter 2013
- Lecture: Physical Layer Security
- Resp.: Teaching assistant
- Year: Summer 2015
Courses at the Freie Universität Berlin
- Lecture: Physical Layer Security
- Resp.: Teaching assistant
- Year: Winter 2016 and Winter 2017
- I am a reviewer for IEEE Trans. on {Wireless Comm., Information Forensics and Sec., Information Theory}
- I regularly review publications for the conferences: ISIT, ICC, ICASSP, Globecom, ITW, EUSIPCO, EuCNC, PIMRC, VTC
- IEEE Communication Society
- IEEE Information Theory Society